Traditional Device Management and Its Limitations


Traditional device management often refers to the manual configuration and management of individual devices, such as computers, routers, and switches. This approach often involves a lot of time and effort, and can create various challenges.

Key limitations of traditional device management include:


  • Limited scalability: As networks grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to manually manage all devices.
  • No orchestration or software metering: Traditional systems lack advanced features like automatic task sequencing or software deployment and usage tracking.
  • Security risks: Over-reliance on traditional management can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Why Microsoft Intune?


Microsoft Intune is an innovative, cloud-based service that offers mobile device and application management. It addresses the limitations of traditional device management and offers several key advantages: 


  • Scalability: Intune can easily handle an increasing number of devices as your business grows or changes.
  • Advanced features: Intune provides orchestration, software metering, third-party integration, and more.
  • Enhanced security: Intune has robust security features, including compliance policies, secure data access, and threat protection.

 Making the Switch to Intune


Transitioning to Microsoft Intune involves several steps:


  1. Planning: Identify your organization’s needs and goals, and create a transition plan.
  2. Preparing your environment: Set up Intune, connect it to your Active Directory, and configure your device management policies.
  3. Migrating your devices: Gradually enroll your devices into Intune, starting with a pilot group.
  4. Testing and adjusting: Monitor the performance of Intune and adjust your settings as needed or based on user feedback.


While transitioning, remember to:


  • Communicate with your team: Inform your team about the switch and provide training on using Intune.
  • Avoid rushing: Take the time to properly set up and test Intune before fully migrating your devices.


Tips for a Smooth Transition


For those hesitant to make the switch, consider these tips:


  • Start small: Begin by enrolling a small number of devices, and gradually increase this number as you become more comfortable with Intune.
  • Leverage support resources: Microsoft offers comprehensive support resources to help you navigate the transition.


Evidence of Success

Many businesses have successfully transitioned to Intune and experienced significant benefits. For example, companies have reported a 50% reduction in device management time after switching to Intune and utilizing a feature called Autopilot.

In conclusion, transitioning from traditional device management to Microsoft Intune can bring numerous benefits to your organization. With careful planning and execution, you can ensure a smooth transition and start experiencing these benefits quickly.