Microsoft is continuously refining its offerings to cater to the evolving needs of IT administrators and end-users. This month, we’ve witnessed some significant enhancements in the capabilities of the Microsoft Intune Suite, including advancements in Remote Help, Zebra LifeGuard Over-the-Air (LG OTA) integration, support for the latest Apple releases, and the introduction of Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) for Windows 365 devices.

Advancements in Remote Help

Recognizing the need for efficient remote assistance, Microsoft has expanded the capabilities of Remote Help. An essential feature of the Microsoft Intune Suite, Remote Help is now available on macOS. This allows helpdesk staff to connect in view-only sessions to assist macOS users remotely.

In addition to this, Microsoft has introduced the ability to launch Remote Help for Windows directly from the Intune admin center. This feature makes it easier for helpdesk agents to assist users by launching Remote Help on both their device and the user’s device. The user receives a notification that the helpdesk agent wants to begin a Remote Help session, making the process more streamlined.

Zebra LifeGuard OTA Integration with Intune

In an effort to enhance the experience for frontline workers, Microsoft has transitioned the Zebra LifeGuard OTA integration with Intune from public preview to general availability. This firmware over-the-air (FOTA) solution allows IT admins to update ruggedized Zebra Android devices securely and efficiently without physical access to the devices. These updates can be managed from the Intune admin center and distributed wirelessly, thereby reducing security risks and preventing compatibility issues for users.

Enhancements for Apple Devices

With the release of iOS 17.0 and macOS 14.0, Microsoft Intune has improved its settings catalog and expedited settings updates to provide seamless support for Apple users. To prepare for these updates, Microsoft has provided numerous additional settings for Apple devices. These settings can now be provided in a matter of hours instead of months, enabling IT admins to quickly address the needs imposed by new Apple releases.

Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows 365 Devices

The newly introduced Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) for Windows 365 devices empowers organizations to selectively allow applications to run with administrative privileges. This feature enhances efficiency and security by enabling users to elevate approved applications without requiring full administrative rights on their Windows device.


These advancements by Microsoft for Intune are a testament to their commitment towards providing IT admins with the necessary tools to manage and assist users remotely, effectively. By constantly updating and refining features, Microsoft Intune is shaping the future of remote assistance and device management, making the life of IT admins and end users much easier.

Stay tuned for more updates as Microsoft continue to innovate and improve their services.